Southrnfresh Motorsport Banner *purchase agrees to terms

Southrnfresh Motorsport Banner *purchase agrees to terms

Southrnfresh Version 3 Motorsport banners.

**Banners are 58 x 10.5 inches **

You are responsible for proper installation of your banner. We highly recommend letting a professional install and trim the banner to fit your vehicle. The Banners are pre cut to the dimensions above to fit most vehicles windshields. Please confirm that the banner will fit properly before ordering. We do not know if they fit your vehicle and we will not tell you if they do. You will have to determine that yourself. We highly advise watching following proper installation techniques when installing if you plan on yourself. And please get help when installing. And measure properly before fitting.

Not responsible for any citations from banner from local authorities. Please be aware of your local laws about windshield decals.

If there are any errors with the product that may be on our behalf, we will kindly replace the banner, but we will not take returns or send replacements for a banner that has been installed and ruined.

By purchasing this item, you are agreeing to the terms above.